Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Moods, McGillicuddy, and Mixtures

The rainy, cold, cloudy, gray, heavy, wet days of late REALLY affect us.  Physically, emotionally, mentally.    Our moods. We are acclimating.  From experience I can say the climate of a region has an effect on folks and if you've been in a specific climate for a long time you probably don't even realize the effect anymore.  Having moved from an entirely different climate we are going through a huge adjustment.  It is tangible.  Thankfully the sunshine appeared today!

We adopted a dog last week!  A lovely cream color lab/retreiver mix.  Wonderful temperament!  We'll call him McGillicuddy here.  He and Marmaduke are loving having each other to roam and play with on the place and they are the same age.  And Little Ricky and  Ricky have fallen in love with McGillicuddy.  Well, okay, actually we all have.  He is an awful mess now after playing in the mud and puddles.  One reason we wanted another dog was for security and to help Marmaduke stave off the coyotes at night.  Two dogs have a better chance against a pack of coyotes than one.  If you knew us before in the city you'd laugh - we now have two large dogs - we were always "cat people" more so.  Liked dogs, but they were too much maintenance we'd say.  Now, we're crazy about our dogs!  And there's plenty of space for them to run and explore - gotta love country life!

Fred's had a sore throat and was feeling icky, like you're coming down with something yucky, the last two days so I've been mixing him tincture "cocktails" of garlic, cayenne, ginger, elderberry, with a splash of water and a squeeze of fresh lime.  It's worked!  He's feeling better and he actually liked the cocktail!  My plan is to learn more about and grow herbs so I can create tinctures at home.  The garlic is already growing!

1 comment:

  1. You would probably enjoy my friend Keri Mae's blog. Homeschooling, homesteading mom to 7. Her most recent post is a face cream she made with things grown in her own garden! :)
