Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ricky Picks Up Chicks and The Incredible Egg

A couple of weeks ago I sent Ricky into town to pick up chicks.  Well that's what he is going around telling folks!  Yes, he did go into to town to the post office to pick up a box of baby (day old) chicks!  Twenty-five little cheepers!  Golden Buffs/Red Star.  Guaranteed layers.  And they made it safely all the way from Connecticut!  If you'll recall that is where the Ricardos of the iconic "I Love Lucy" show lived in the country and enjoyed their chicks and eggs experience!  Anyway, back to our chicks.  They are still thriving and growing and eating, drinking, and pooping alot!  We're still monitoring their environmental temperature and keeping them indoors.  Who knew babies were so much work?  Guess I did.  They are adorable and we are looking forward to introducing them to the rest of the flock once their feathers are all out and they can regulate their own temperature.  And since we've cleared out the flock of the extra roosters it will be a much more pleasant experience for them.  Speaking of the rest of the flock, which we got back in February of this year, one of them decided to lay an egg!!!  Yes!  It was last Saturday when Ricky was butchering the remaining unwanted roosters and there was one that was named Shadow which was questionable in its sex.  Well, she showed us!  She laid an egg!  Incredible! Thought she had better show herself for what she was pronto!  She has faithfully laid one egg a day since.  We are very excited for the egg-laying to begin.  So we now have our one Dominicker rooster named Hannah - well, you see when Hannah was a baby Little Ricky chose her as his favorite and named her Hannah, but it turned out she wasn't a she, she is a he, so we are keeping him.  Leave it to us to have a rooster named Hannah!  And I might say he is a very quite the gentleman rooster.  So we have eleven hens, all layers we hope, and our additional twenty-five little chick-a-dees.  Gotta start thinking of all the ways to enjoy the Incredible Edible Egg!
                                                   The box containing our 25 chicks!
                                                  Their temporary home.
                                                    Our incredible first egg!
                                              Little Ricky and his pet Rooster, Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Just goes to prove where my head is... you said he went to pick up chicks and I immediately thought of... baby chickens!! :)
    Love the rooster named Hannah, lol! And yay! Eggs!
