Friday, December 2, 2011

Listen To The Falling Of The Gentle Rain and Here Comes The Sun

The scene out my window this morning is dark, gray, and cloudy.  There is a "wet" in the air.  There is a gentle, almost invisible, but I can hear it falling on my metal roof and it creates a calming rhythm for my day, rain.  Actually I think it was just the dripping trees.  Of course, there is also my daily ever changing backyard scape, for instance, the ladders, saw tables, sheets of galvanized corrugated tin, outdoor furniture, leaves, rope lights, five scampering kittens, and the Overgrown Puppy, we've decided to call Marmaduke*on the blog, frolicking with the scampering kittens, all of which are all wet.  The trees are changing their colors and beyond the fence into the pasture across the way I see the neighbor's two mules, a grey and a white, which he has offered to give us and we declined the offer.  But I digress.  The thoughts going through my head are "the four day rain outlook wasn't forecast to begin this a.m., but for this p.m.",  "now we can't work on the rabbit hutch project phase I"  and "it sure will be messy and icky when the man delivers the chicken coop" and "they won't be able to finish the roof phase I as planned".  Then as I write I see the sun beginning to shine through the clouds.  And suddenly I began to feel my emotional and mental "mode and mood" begin to change.  With the peaking sun and the promising light my vision and plan for the day takes a new shape.  The light brings me hope for better, brighter today.

*  Marmaduke isn't a great dane, she is a German Shepherd Malwa, who looks a lot like Marmaduke.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  John 8:12

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