Saturday, March 24, 2012

Marmaduke, McGillicuddy, and the Musings of a Neighbor

For a while now our dogs,  Marmaduke and McGillicuddy, go to our neighbors across our pasture and cause a ruckus that we hear from here.  Since the neighbors have mules, cows and bulls, and cats, we assume they are harassing them.  We call and call and of course they won't come.  I have always been concerned because I know and have heard that country neighbors don't take kindly to other people's dogs on their property especially if they are causing problems for their animals.  So I worry and worry and call and call and finally send Fred over to retrieve them in his truck.  Fred's even been looking into shock collars.  And of course I am concerned about being good neighbors also and not alienating them before we've had a chance to get to know them.  Yesterday, while the menfolk were at their day jobs M&M went over to the neighbors and I saw them actually chasing a mule back and forth along the fence line and raising a huge ruckus!  Well, my phone rang and it was my brother, who lives down the road, and he asked if I knew where my dogs were.  He said there were some dogs over at the neighbors bothering their animals and thought they may be ours.  I told him I knew they were M&M, but I didn't know how to get them home. I'd tried calling and had no success.  He, being a rancher and dog raiser/trainer, said that I should get them and secure them 'cause they could get shot by the neighbor or kicked by the mule or bulls and killed.  Feeling like a failure at controlling our dogs and being a good neighbor, I called my menfolk at work and told them what was happening and since it was quitting time they headed home to handle the situation.  When he arrived home Fred went over in the truck to retrieve our dogs.  He was gone quite a while and when he came home M&M were not with him.  Turns out Fred had an enjoyable conversation with the neighbor and the part regarding M&M went something like this:  Neighbor: "Your dogs are my guests.  I love those dogs.  When I whistle for my bulls to come for feeding your dogs come and I love petting them and watching them.  They are characters.  The mule is crippled so he won't hurt them - they chase him 'cause he runs from them.  The dogs don't bother the bulls.  They like to chase my 27 cats that live out in my pasture and barn.  So don't you worry about your dogs.  They're welcome over here anytime."  Problem solved.  Grace.

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