Monday, March 19, 2012

Wild Onions and Roasted Junebugs

A few months ago I began researching edible wild plants upon observing so many interesting plants growing in our pastures and yard.  I remember as a young girl going out into the pasture behind by grandmother's country home and picking wild greens and blackberries.  I now know this is called foraging.  My grandmother would make poke salad or what we called "hay" out of the greens and fresh blackberry cobbler with the berries.  My memory doesn't serve me well enough to recall what the greens looked like so I began google searches.  Although I am still not comfortable picking the plants that appear to be greens - not wanting to poison my family - I have so far stuck with the plants that I can know without a doubt are edible which up to this point are our wild chives and wild green onions.  The chives we've dried and we had the wild green onions on a salad this weekend.  But, as we sat outside enjoying the nice evening this weekend we became overrun with what I do recall to be junebugs (a type of beetle).  They are attracted to light and although we had subdued outdoor lighting they came a'callin'.  Well I decided to go and google them to see if they happen to be edible.  Why not?  Cheap protein and certainly a topic of conversation for later in life.  Apparently eating edible insects is called entomophagy.  Upon learning that junebugs are  edible Fred applied an open flame to them and roasted them.  Then as instructed by the "web" he plucked off the wings and legs and then passed them out for all to share.  Fred, Ricky, and even Little Ricky partook - but I couldn't bring myself to do it!  Yeah, I know, I was the instigator.  They said they were good and tasted like popcorn!  So we had quite a culinary experience this weekend - just another "perk" of country living!

1 comment:

  1. I hear roasted june bugs make delicious croutons for poke salad! ;) Mmm mmmm
