Friday, August 3, 2012

Happenings on the Homestead Photos

Photos of happenings here on the homestead.  Tart Dill Pickle Relish in the making from our garden cucumbers.  Our largest watermelon from the garden weighing in at 33.1 pounds!  And a recent homestead sunset.  See the tiny oil pump  - not ours. Peaches from our peach tree - though the harvest wasn't very large.  Our first "blue-green" egg.  Large four inch in diameter spider with babies on its back - we know 'cause when we went to kill it they dispersed - millions of teeny babies went everywhere in our storage room.  Yuck - one not so pleasant thing about living in the country.

                                             Placed a penny on the watermelon for scale.

                                         Decided I need a higher powered camera for justice.
                                                          Blue-green Egg
                                                  Very large spider with babies on back.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't canning fun!?
    And garden goodness is just yummy. :)
    Enjoyed catching up on all you're creating this afternoon.
